Explore mpmX by analyzing three different examples of processes (Purchase-to-Pay, Logistics, WakeUp-to-Work), which differ in their complexity and difficulty. Prove your analyzing abilities in a quiz and receive an mpmX eXplore Participation Certificate.
It is recommended to go through this course as follows: First, do the lesson “Video Tutorials” where it is explained how to work with the apps. Then, the lesson “Choose an App to analyze” provides you with links to the different apps (Purchase-to-Pay, Logistics, WakeUp-to-Work). Then you can earn an mpmX eXplore Certificate of Attendance.
After you learn about our mpmX eXplore product, you can then find out a bit more information about the additional features our full product provides.
Hint: It is recommended to use the Chrome browser and adapt the browser zoom accordingly that all objects in the app are displayed correctly.